Post by george
george ussher

george ussher

Full stack web-developer

Bristol, Bristol

george ussher

8 months ago

Consensus: real-time voting app.

For our final Project with School of Code, my team and I developed a full-stack app to address the indicisiveness in social groups when deciding on what activity to do together. The project consolidated the previous 11-weeks of learning and was untertaken in an agile manner where a rotation strategy was employed to ensure each member of the team worked on every area of the code. For our tech stack React was used as the frontend framework with typical page routing employed to link the pages. Supabase handled the backend with requests made using regular http polling. As this is a real-time multi-user app, I would have like to have employed websockets however time contraints limited this. Tests were written with Jest and the app was deployed with Netlify which also served as the location of the apps serverless functions.

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