Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago · 3 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Geoff blog
Is the world really out of control?

Is the world really out of control?


After the worst shooting atrocity in American history, the question, macabre but inevitable, arises once again: “How do we respond to a world that seems out of control?”

The world and its people are changing and losing knowledge. Females and males are losing virginity as early as 10 years old. The crime rate is increasing daily. Every tenth of a second a crime takes place somewhere in this world. Children are disobeying their parents, teachers have no control over the behaviour of children, mental health is at an all-time high in every society in the world.

Entire countries are poor and their population is literally starving to death while diseases eat away at them. Bad weather is increasing. Meteors hitting earth are increasing, hurricanes and tornadoes are increasing, the summers are hotter than usual and the winters are colder. Earthquakes are being felt in places where they should not be felt, earthquakes are happening in places where there are not even fault lines. Wild fires across the globe are destroying many many acres of land and destroying civilization.

The ozone hole is getting bigger, oil prices are rising and oil reserves are getting lower each day. The prices of goods and services are rising and the value of the world currency is lowering. Many new hurtful laws are going in effect and more and more people are experiencing some type of illness.

What are people to do about these major challenges?

Have these things been happening all throughout history and no one realised it or is things getting worse and making people pay attention to it?

The world seems that way because it is out of control the sun rises whether we want it to or not, the toaster breaks, someone cuts you off on your way to work. We’ve never had control. We have the illusion of control when things go the way we think they should. And when they do not, we say we have lost control, and we long for some sort of enlightened state beyond all this, where we imagine we’ll have control again. But what we really want is peace. We think that by having control or becoming “enlightened” (and no one knows what that means) we’ll find peace.

All around us things are changing. People are talking about disruption: personal lives being disrupted, businesses being disrupted, society being disrupted. This disruption, this change, is coming from lots of directions: technology, things that are happening in the world, the connected globalisation, urbanisation, the changing and ageing demographics, the refugee problems, politics, terrorism, the mobility of people, climate change.

One of the notable issues is that fear tends to dominate. Some people are finding themselves and their organisations in the scared quadrant as they don’t see the opportunities or they focus on the things that go wrong and are risky. How people react in uncertain moments is a good indicator of how they will react in the future.

Digital transformation is one of the largest of our time, translated in business model disruption, new services, cybercrime and new devices in an app- or bot- centric world, and disruption in our ability to cultivate new multi-generational talent and respond to a rapidly changing marketplace. We create more data than people can consume. We used to talk about innovation trends as if they were in silos. The trends are still important and have impact by themselves, but their combined impact will be much greater. We need to change how we think about business to remain successful and productive as individuals and as organisations.


We can see it happening all around us with accessible, affordable, adaptable technologies that are changing the way we live and work, becoming so fundamental to our lives that they are even shifting our understanding of what it means to be human. The adoption of new technologies is accelerating and technological breakthroughs are speeding up. It took radio thirty-eight years to reach 50 million users, TV thirteen years, iPod four years, internet three years, Facebook one year and Twitter just three quarters of a year.
While the digital economy holds great opportunity, it also brings new risks and challenges. So, what’s at stake?

To understand the future, we need to look at the past. Half a century ago, the life expectancy of a firm in the Fortune 500 was around seventy-five years. Now it’s less than fifteen years and declining even further. If we look at the Fortune 500 companies in 1955, 88% of them have disappeared since the year 2000. That means that only sixty are left. They went broke, they were taken over, they merged or they were split into pieces. In five to ten years from now a large portion of today’s companies will probably have an offering that doesn’t exist yet. Companies are going to change massively, and the rate of change is just accelerating.

Maybe, Charles Dickens, had a point when he quoted in ‘A Tale of Two Cities (1859), set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution’, when he said:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, …”


Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #22

Jerry Fletcher Always great to hear from you and your comments are thought provoking, Mother Earth is one tough Mother, there is no question about this fact! Interesting enough Hurricane Irma, like Hurricane Harvey, was not caused by climate change. But scientists say the horrifying destruction it has sent across the Atlantic might have been. Apparently global warming was the reason for the extreme weather is the wrong question. Instead, we should be focusing on how global warming has helped turn the hurricanes into even more destructive forces than they ever would have been before......

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #21

Lisa Vanderburg has made some great comments and this is totally plausible, I am not sure there is a quick fix to the problems, the problem starts with government, business, communities and ultimately us as creators of the current unhappiness in this chaotic world, and we are responsible for this debacle, a small majority or even large majority can live with a better belief and and a better tomorrow, the question is always how much people really want to change for a better future, I guess we are back to 'be careful what you wish for' .

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #20

Thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for your kind words. You question is interesting and I saw a study some time ago that described a method to control chaos or a chaotic world by using phase space compression which is applied to economic systems. Effectively conscious state variables and restraints, including financial to upper bound and lover bound state of mind.I found the paper interesting, but in reality and academic approach to solving a problem in today's world which I am not convinced could ever be applied.

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #19

Lisa Vanderburg Democrats also feel that way, but by a much slimmer 16-point margin (51-35 percent). There’s no gender or age gap: two-thirds of men (67 percent), women (66 percent), voters under 45 (68 percent), and those ages 45+ (66 percent) think political correctness has gone too far. The Fox News poll was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) among 1,017 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide reached on landline and cellphones from Sept. 24-26, 2017. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points for results among all registered voters.

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #18

Lisa Vanderburg There’s lots of cross-partisan agreement on the decline of our social glue. For example, 81 percent of Republicans say people are less courteous, as do 77 percent of Democrats, and 76 percent of independents. It’s mostly the same on people behaving worse and our bonds weakening. "We often focus on the divisiveness of specific political leaders," says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, who conducts the Fox News poll with Republican Daron Shaw. "But these results are a reminder that those elected leaders are a reflection of the voters who elect them, and a society that sees people as increasingly rude and lacking common bonds." The nation is more divided over kneeling protests this year: 55 percent of voters see kneeling during the national anthem as inappropriate. That’s down six percentage points from 61 percent in 2016. And 41 percent consider kneeling an appropriate way to protest, up from 32 percent last year. The increase comes largely from a jump of 21 points among blacks and 16 among women. Those most likely to disapprove of the kneeling include men (60 percent), independents (62 percent), whites (63 percent), veterans (65 percent), Republicans (86 percent), and Trump voters (90 percent). In addition, 66 percent of voters feel political correctness has "gone too far" in this country. Twenty-three percent disagree. Republicans think things are too PC by a 72-point margin (83-11 percent).

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #17

Thank you Lisa Vanderburg for your words, the world is going to hell in a hand basket, is true and there is no denying the facts, it really is time to wake up. A large majority of American voters feels the bonds that hold the country together are weakening, while over half think the world is going to hell in a handbasket. A Fox News poll released Thursday also finds that large numbers feel more people are rude and behave badly in public in the United States today compared to the past. Some 56 percent of voters say things are "going to hell in a handbasket." It was 57 percent a year ago and 58 percent in 2014. That consistency masks some big movement among who thinks the world is going to hell -- and the party that controls the White House has a lot of sway in this. In 2014, only 48 percent of Democrats said things were going to hell compared to 70 percent who feel that way today. The reverse is true among Republicans: 71 percent said hell in a handbasket in 2014 vs. 42 percent now. Meanwhile, most voters believe compared to 10 years ago, people in the U.S. behave worse in public (83 percent), are less courteous (78 percent), and the bonds that hold our nation together are weakening (81 percent).

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #16

Thank you Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador for your comments, totally we live in a strange and cynical world that at its very best is out of control, but maybe we look at the world as being out of control and maybe it is us beings that the world finds out of control, change has a funny way of presenting itself at times.

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #15

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Thank you for your valuable comments, I paused....but you are right, we live in turbulent times, and spending times with the City economists and analysts I not convinced we have seen the worst yet, external factors...I am sure will implode, more and more people are searching for answers, the answer for all of us starts with us, huge subject maybe a buzz I should write in January. Have a great weekend!

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #14

Thank you kindly Debasish Majumder for your amazing comments, it was an interesting buzz to write, my blog manager JJJ was debating with me life one late evening a few months a go, which triggered the thought to write about the topic, I am really pleased you enjoyed reading my buzz! :-)

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #13

Thank you Deborah Levine for your comments, a very true statement, as soon as you purchase the new smartphone, irrespective of the brand, its totally obsolete! That is true with all electronics, product and innovation.

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #12

Thank you Harley King talking about the 60's too, it makes me think of the amazing Beatles with A day in the life' and Hey Jude. We have had many people, philosophers, and even I was in Sedona on 23rd December 2012 when everyone believed this was the end of the world, The Mayans end of the I-Ching calendar, if was fascinating when you listen to the wisdom behind some of these people and their conviction. Your quote from Socrates is exemplary, I remember working with Polaroid and Edwin H Land was remembered for saying ' The world is a scene changing so rapidly that it takes every bit of intuitive ability you have, every brain cell each one of you has, to make the sensible decision about what to do next. You cannot rely upon what you have been taught. All you have learned from history is old ways of making mistakes. There is nothing that history can tell you about what we must do tomorrow. Only what we must not do. My view on life is very simple these days, we constantly evolve, transform and think of the future, when really we should be capturing the special moment of now with our loved ones, family and friends. Life is precious, we need to share and enjoy these times with our special people in our lives, life is also terribly short.

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #11

Marisa Fonseca Diniz Thank you for sharing your beliefs, I believe we all change, the universe moves with time, the planets move and utimately even if we care not to believe it, we change too, marginally, slightly and totally. I know from my own life in the last decade my life has completed a 360.

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #10

Harvey Lloyd So the question is do we call this a human choice? One of the oldest questions in life is whether humans have choice and the freedom to do so. That is, are we able to choose what we will do with our lives? There are studies that show a belief in its existence might work, but beyond that, we cannot verify or invalidate its existence. What is important, however, is that we treat ourselves and each other as self-determined beings whose thoughts and feelings are important. In that regard, Baumeister’s research has much to teach us. Maybe we should just follow the Golden Rule of 'be careful what you wish for' after all......?

Geoff Hudson-Searle

6 years ago #9

So sorry for my tardy response Harvey Lloyd, this week has been a little crazy, but no different to the 60's lol Thank you for your great contribution, you really struck a nerve with me across some of my favorite subjects. careful what you wish for, you may just get it, was this an English saying from “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs? This wonderful saying seems to appear everywhere in life and different eras too; 点石成金 (Dian Shi Cheng Jin) Diǎn shí chéng jīn [dian shi cheng jin] touch stone accomplish gold Turn stone into gold/To work something of no worth into something of value. The story of Xu Xun is reminiscent of Greek mythology. King Midas is known as the man who could turn anything he touched into gold. He was granted this ability by Dionysus, the god of wine. (I like that one :-)) However, Midas would soon come to regret his wish. In short, I guess the common lesson from the quotes is: Greed can lead to you losing what you really value in this world. A wish for an alternate outcome can really change what makes a person who they are. Also, there are real-life implications when someone wishes for something crazy only to see how crazy it is.

Lisa Vanderburg

6 years ago #8

Gaia...yes Jerry; she will have her way!

Jerry Fletcher

6 years ago #7

Geoff, Every generation seems to have the same complaints from the time of Socrates to the present. But there is a difference this time. Gaia is now entering the discussion in an active way. Whether you agree with climate change or not, the physical differences taking place in Mother Earth are real and will have drastic consequences for humankind. This is nothing to shrug off. She is one tough Mother.

Lisa Vanderburg

6 years ago #6

Ah...That's better Geoff Hudson-Searle - just had to get away from that very nice piece of ass #8 that is....inappropriate, IMHO. Where was I? After reading the thoughtful comments; Harvey Lloyd opinions! Great buzz, Geoff!

Ali Anani

6 years ago #5

Geoff Hudson-Searle- great post and to whom the bells toll? Out of control means a chaotic state. Is there a wway other than self-organizing?

Lisa Vanderburg

6 years ago #4

You put into words what most of us already fear to do Geoff Hudson-Searle; the world's going to hell in a hand-basket (American expression..?). We have been down this way before, yes. The difference now is our exploding population, despite the appalling atrocities and disease of the so many countries including the third world, is fuelling the discrepancies between the rich and poor. Instinctively,of those of us feeling the crush of 7+ billion people there will be some who will use this to justify immorality, making things worse. These divides can only grow, sucking the life out of everyone else unless we can all decide to work together...I personally don't hold much hope for that as our world has become so complex and I begin not to see the big picture. This fascinating site: shows births and deaths as they happen in boxes top L & R

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

6 years ago #3

Perhaps that's why Stocism is more relevant now than ever before. In turbulent times like the ones we live in, it's hard (if not impossible) to rely on external things, or expect our understanding of the world to remain relevant for long...

Debasish Majumder

6 years ago #2

unity in opposites ate entwined and causing continuous mayhem! Great buzz Geoff Hudson-Searle! i am literally obsessed with your buzz. enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz.

Harvey Lloyd

6 years ago #1

The drudgery of the 60's that was rebelled against, the post modern era of making things easy and the dream of utopian society that constantly changed based on social winds has lead us to where we are. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. We made bets of social, commerce and community that now we have to pay for. We did not consider the plans under Roosevelt and Johnson and the social unintended consequences. In there time i would say they probably looked very benevolent in thought, but some really big assumptions were made. I am not sure about "out of control" but would say that sustainability of life is becoming so complex that many within the social distillation process are floating to the bottom. Each generation is creating a atmosphere that the one its replacing cannot survive. The ones after it are stepping on top of air to start their lives. This air will eventually give way. On that day we will begin the return to more human choices. A great piece, but would say that the opening paragraphs made me think that drug addicts may have the answer:)

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